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Jumat, 30 September 2016

Upacara Bendera Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila

Upacara Bendara Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila
Upacara Bendara Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila
Upacara Bendara Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila

Upacara Bendera Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila

Lapangan Upacara Lhoksukon

Tanggal 1 Oktober 2016

Upacara Bendera Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila

Upacara Bendera Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila
Upacara Bendera Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila

Indonesian for Treachery of G30S/PKI) is a 1984 Indonesian docudrama composed and coordinated by Arifin C. Noer, created by G. Dwipayana, and featuring Amoroso Katamsi, Umar Kayam, and Syubah Asa. Delivered over a time of two years with a financial plan of Rp. 800 million, the film was supported by Suharto's New Order government. It depended on an official history of the 30 September Movement (Gerakan 30 September, or G30S) upset in 1965 composed by Nugroho Notosusanto and Ismail Saleh, which portrayed the overthrow as being organized by the Communist Party of Indonesia (Partai Komunis Indonesia, or PKI).

The film delineates the period paving the way to the upset and a few days after it. In a period of financial turmoil, six commanders are captured and executed by the PKI and Air Force, purportedly to pre-empt an overthrow against President Sukarno. General Suharto pulverizes the upset and, thereafter asks the Indonesian masses to celebrate those murdered and battle against all types of socialism. The film demonstrates the G30S administration as heartless and arranging "each move to the last detail", reveling in utilizing exorbitant brutality and tormenting the commanders, portrayals which have been perused as depicting "the state's adversaries as outside the domain of the human".

The primary financially discharged household highlight film to manage the occasions of 1965,[3] Pengkhianatan G30S/PKI was a business and basic achievement. It was designated for seven honors at the 1984 Indonesian Film Festival, winning one, and achieved record viewership numbers – in spite of the fact that much of the time gatherings of people were required to see the film. It was utilized as a purposeful publicity vehicle by the New Order government until its breakdown; broadcast yearly on 30 September and got to be compulsory review for understudies. Since the fall of Suharto in 1998, such utilization of the film has turned out to be less regular. In spite of the fact that the film's aesthetic angles stay generally welcomed, its deception of history has been censured.