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Minggu, 02 Oktober 2016

Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1438 H Di Mesjid Agung Baiturrahim Lhoksukon

Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1438 H Di Mesjid Agung Baiturrahim Lhoksukon
Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1438 H Di Mesjid Agung Baiturrahim Lhoksukon
Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1438 H Di Mesjid Agung Baiturrahim Lhoksukon

Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1438 H Di Mesjid Agung Baiturrahim Lhoksukon

Peringatan Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1438 H 


Tanggal 3 Oktober 2016

Mesjid Agung Baiturrahim Lhoksukon

 Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1438 H Di Mesjid Agung Baiturrahim Lhoksukon

Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1438 H Di Mesjid Agung Baiturrahim Lhoksukon
Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1438 H Di Mesjid Agung Baiturrahim Lhoksukon
The Hijri New Year, otherwise called Islamic New Year (Arabic: رأس السنة الهجرية‎‎ Raʼs al-Sanah al-Hijrīyah) is the day that denote the start of another Islamic date-book year, and is the day on which the year check is augmented. The main day of the year is seen on the principal day of Muharram, the primary month in the Islamic schedule. The principal Islamic year starts in 622 AD with the displacement of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, known as the Hijra. All religious obligations, for example, petition, fasting in the month of Ramadan, and journey, and the dates of huge occasions, for example, festivity of sacred evenings and celebrations, are figured by lunar date-book.

While some Islamic associations lean toward deciding the new month (and henceforth the new year) by nearby sightings of the moon,[1] most Islamic establishments and nations, including Saudi Arabia,[2] take after galactic computations to decide future dates of the Islamic logbook. There are different pattern for ascertaining the unthinkable Islamic schedule (i.e. not taking into account perception), which brings about contrasts of commonly one or even two days between nations utilizing such outline and those that utilization lunar sightings. For instance, The Umm al-Qura Calendar utilized as a part of Saudi Arabia was changed a few times as of late. The present plan has been presented in 1423 AH (15 March 2002).

A day in the Islamic logbook is characterized as starting at dusk. For instance, 1 Muharram 1432 was characterized to relate to 7 or 8 December 2010 in authority timetables (contingent upon the nation). For a perception based schedule, a locating of the new moon at nightfall of 6 December would imply that 1 Muharram endured from the snapshot of dusk of 6 December to the snapshot of dusk of 7 December, while in spots where the new moon was not located on 6 December, 1 Muharram would last from the snapshot of nightfall of 7 December to the snapshot of dusk of 8 December.