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Minggu, 02 Oktober 2016

Pemerintah Aceh Utara Adakan Pembukaan Pengajian Dan Zikir Akbar

Pemerintah Aceh Utara Adakan Pembukaan Pengajian Dan Zikir Akbar
Pemerintah Aceh Utara Adakan Pembukaan Pengajian Dan Zikir Akbar
Pemerintah Aceh Utara Adakan Pembukaan Pengajian Dan Zikir Akbar

Pemerintah Aceh Utara Adakan Pembukaan Pengajian Dan Zikir Akbar

Pembukaan Pengajian dan zikir Akbar
Tanggal 3 Oktober 2016
Jam 20.00
Lapangan Upacara Landing Aceh Utara

Pemerintah Aceh Utara Adakan Pembukaan Pengajian Dan Zikir Akbar

Recitation or Dhikr (Arabic: ذکر, ðɪkr) is an activity for Muslims to worship in the remembrance of Allah. Among others, mention and praise the name of God, and dhikr is an obligation contained in the Qur'an. [1] Reading dhikr the main thing is the phrase "La ilaha illallaah", while the most important prayer is "Thank God". [2] Someone who does dhikr called dzaakir (ذاكر).
Recitation first is to remember the names and attributes of Allah and praise, purify God from something that is not worthy of Him.

Just to flatter God as saying "Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wallahu wa laa ilaha illa Allah akbar", "Subhan Allah wa bihamdih", "wahdahu laa laa ilaha illa lah syarika lahul mulku lahul hamdu wa wa huwa 'ala kulli syai-in qodiir".
Pemerintah Aceh Utara Adakan Pembukaan Pengajian Dan Zikir Akbar
Pemerintah Aceh Utara Adakan Pembukaan Pengajian Dan Zikir Akbar

Calling the consequences of the name and nature of God or just tell about God. An example is like saying, "Allah hears everything spoken of His servants", "Allah sees any movement of his servants," impossible act servant who faint from the sight of God "," Allah loves His servants "," Allah power over everything "," God is very happy with the repentance of His servants. "